Thursday, April 29, 2010

Adjusting to Married Life

I will take the words of a godly woman, to say marriage is "joy unspeakable and full of glory." Nahum 1:7. It has been 2 months since our wedding. And the joy of being in Christ and being married brings so much joy, that both Bo and I are even more eager for Christ to return.

Yes, there are adjustments from living independently to living with your life partner, but the greatest thing is to worship and serve God together. To go through trials knowing your sanctification affects your partner's as well, is so humbling. My response, my attitude, has a direct affect on my husband, Bo. How my relationship with God is doing, will affect how willing and ready I am to fulfill my role as a wife. This is an adjustment. And a really good one too. My mind and my heart are adjusting to not thinking of myself, but thinking of Bo first. I am so thankful for this challenge to die to my selfish ways and thoughts, so that I may grow in my love for Bo and ultimately grow in my understanding of God's love for me.

Prayer: That I may cling to my God in prayer, and store His precepts in my heart so that I may honor Him in all that I do, and love my husband, Bo, selflessly with encouraging words and a heart ready to receive him with a kiss and a smile.

These are just some thoughts.

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